Motor Vehicle & truck weight-distance tax evasion estimated to be close to 20+ years old! When is Ky going to implement statewide tax compliance enforcement?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008


How many state employees are there?

Here's some 1996 data State Personnel could update for a story.

In 1996 I taxpayer submitted the following request based upon 1995 Commission On Quality & Efficiency's recommendation calling for elimination of 70 Property Valuation administrators statutory position to save state (in '95 dollars) about $21 million.

However, administrative and legislative branches of state government did not follow 1995 recommendation to lower state's appropriations! No. They legislated all 120 locally elected statutory PVA's as state employees.

When Patton became Governor he raised all court house constitutional officers' annual salaries, substantially!

PVA's cried foul and though they were not constitutional officers, got similar annual salary enhancements.

However, PVA's were exempted from using state merit system salary schedule. PVA's who're state employees locally elected annual salaries were overly generous!

Also, PVA's not exempted from merit salaried state employees' holidays nor from accumulating sick and vacation day per month the same as merit salaried state employees. PVA's got the best of both worlds!

Under present PVA pay schedule a PVA, who has a staff paid for by state, that only has 4,309 parcels of property in the county to value commands an annual salary of $53,660 dollars annually which is about 20% higher than local county average pay.

A PVA's annual pay for valuing 101,386 parcels of real estate is $78,420 annually.

In both cases state funds cost of staffing and county and state fund all office expenses. Here's a story of public servants being paid overly generous pay checks while enjoying "perks" not available to reporters and the rest of private sector employees.

According to 1996 information there are 25% more state employees reported by KENTUCKY ROLL CALL versus NORMAL REPORT CHANNELS.

1996 Cabinet For Human Resources information showed they held 98% of the 85,000 personal service contracts mostly held by physicians.

Another good place to investigate whose being paid out of the state's deficit general fund and for what kind of performance?

CO SALARY P/hr 07 MEDIAN Co.INC parcels
Fulton 53,660 $29 p/hr 9,100 4,309
Adair 57,780 $32 p/hr 39,300 12,127
Letcher 61,910 $32 p/hr 39,300 12,431
Martin 57,780 $29 p/hr 39,300 6,685
Lawrence 56,410 $29 p/hr 39,300 10,303
Pulaski 70,170 $38 p/hr 42,100 43,059
Crittiden 53,660 $29 p/hr 43,200 8,465
Allen 57,780 $32 p/hr 43,600 11,036
Hopkins 70,170 $38 p/hr 43,900 26,787
Boyd 70,170 $38 p/hr 46,100 26,783
Boyle 61,910 $32 p/hr 51,100 12,220
Mercer 61,910 $32 p/hr 51,900 9,605
Warren 78,420 $42 p/hr 52,100 47,305
Fayette 78,420 $42 p/hr 59,800 101,386

In 2007 when Governor Beshear took office there were 33,889 full-time merit state employees and 12,500 non-merit state employees. State Journal, January, 2008 In a Courier Journal article dated 12/28/95 the number of State employees were broken down by Governors. It follows:

Brown 1/1/80 33,449 1/1/83 29,808
Collins 11/1/84 29,808 11/1/87 32,317
Wilkerson 11/1/88 31,143 11/1/91 35,097
B. Jones 12/9/91 35,186 11/1/92 34,497
11/1/93 33,818 10/1/94 33,351
12/95 32,400

In the March 28, 1996 issue of the Kentucky Roll Call it stated "The official employee count is around 44,000. That includeds all three branches---executive, judicial and legislative.....and they receive a pay check from the Personnel the tune of $1.4 billion a year."

However, "nobody tracks the number of employees hired through grants and contracts. Moreover, nobody tracks the total number of grants and contracts. There's no oversight of the uncounted state workers, even though their salaries come from the state budget in the amount of $2.6 billion a year, of which $2.1 billion is federal money.

Regardless, that's 86% more than KRS 18A employees receive." In an email from Personnel Cabinet's Carol Palmore dated August 26, 1998, she provided the following numbers regarding numbers of state employees under the Patton Administration:
1/1/96 33,115
1/1/97 32,856
1/1/98 32,869

"An LRC study discovered 102,000 employees---and the number could be as high as 170,000, who work for state government but receive their actual paychecks from other organizations, such as area development districts, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, local health departments, to mention a few."

"The Commonwealth has over 85,000 service contrcts for personnel, which are used to hire people through third parties to perform services that the state wants done. Each contract covers the payroll of (conservatively) 1.2 to two employees, according to the Cabinet for Human Resources, which has 98% of the state's service contracts for personnel."

Legislation was passed by 1995 General Assembly designed to promote state employee retirements as a way to reduce state expenditures.

How many state employees are planning to retire during '99 to take advantage of this new retirement legislation?

It is rumored in March '99 that retirement system has over 9,000 state employees planning to retire in March '99.

How many state employees does the State employ?

How many will take advantage of the latest retirement legislation?

How many of those retirees will immediately come back as consultants and "double dip"?

Thank you for any efforts you may pursue to determine if our taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely.


Bill Huff

Thursday, January 10, 2008



CUT: $100 million state personnel beginning with elimination of 70 PVA statutory offices &
decreasing all legislative and judicial branch employees by 20%

COLLECT: amend legislation making online vendors responsible for collecting and submitting estimated $200 million KY use taxes from online consumer Kentucky purchaser's

COLLECT: $100 million from mis-registered KY owned motor vehicle owners & car lease/rental vendors operating from KY airports

AMEND: ELIMINATE Corporate Tax Shelters equaling estimated $400 million

AMEND: reduce $750 million of state tax expenditures by amending applicable legislation pertraining to state tax expenditures--

AMEND: Legislation replacing defined benefits with defined contribution retirement package
effective: 1/1/08

AMEND: Legislation raising cigarette tax to 75 cents per pack bringing in estimate $75 million

AMEND: Legislation eliminating obsolete industries and adding relevant industry; i.e., services